Major Benefits Homeowners Get With a New Roof

Roofing repairs or a new roof can improve your homeWhen wondering whether or not to have your existing roof repaired or replaced, most people hope for a repair. Their reasoning is fairly sound. Most assume that the cost of repairs is far less than the cost of replacing.

This might be the case, but every roof is unique with its own set of circumstances. The roof of your home is more than just an outdoor feature. Because it is a major structure protecting your home and family every day, it should be properly maintained by professional roof technicians.

In some cases, it can be repaired, but if the roof is over 30 years old, if it has been empty for a year or more, endured severe damage from a storm, or has a history of extensive problems, opting for a new roof is probably best.

If you still feel uncertain, below are some key benefits of installing a new roof on your home.

  1. Modern Technology – The technology of roofing has greatly improved over the past 50 years. Even if you like that older type of roofing, the manufacturing technology for shingles and tiles, as well as the way they are laid on the roof, has vastly improved. A new roof provides you improved environmental, financial, and protection benefits you deserve in your home.
  2. Energy Efficient – The updated technology of asphalt shingles offers a much cooler option than old roofing shingles. New improvements allowed roofing manufacturers to produce shingles that divert the sun’s hot rays instead of soaking them up. You will notice this benefit right away on your power bill after a new roof installation.
  3. Curb Attractiveness – No one really notices the impression their roof makes in the surrounding area until you can compare it to something else. You probably overlook that dirty, faded, worn and torn roof from a distance, but you will notice the clean, upgraded new roof compared to everyone else’s. Additionally, should you be in the market to sell your home, a new roof is an added bonus for a homebuyer.
  4. Home Property Value – When selling your home, a new roof is something to advertise. The asking price on your home will increase since most new homebuyers would prefer not replacing a roof at their own cost after moving in. Homebuyers know they are snagging a home with a safe and low maintenance roof that is still under warranty. Resale value is increased by several thousand dollars in a newly roofed home.
  5. Maintenance Cost – Even though a warranty covers most repairs, there will be fewer maintenance issues overall compared to the old roof. With old roofing, you find more delicate and weak areas that require more maintenance than usual. Some are tough to maintain and cost a lot of money to take care of. A new roof is going to have much less maintenance concerns and costs.
  6. Updated Features – Installing a new roof offers new options you might not have thought about. New roofing renovations allow for adding chimneys, sky lights, vents and special windows. Since the old roof is coming down, the time is perfect for integrating new renovations and features you might want.
  7. New Warranty – If your roof is old, you probably have not had a warranty for a long time. Should you have damage or problems, a new roof comes with a warranty that should cover the repairs and labor for a specified amount of time. You could be home free from paying roof repairs for several years after installing your roof.

Finally, new roofing gives your home an entirely new look. By choosing a different type of roof or a different colour or pattern of shingles, your home will appear completely different to you and your neighbors. A new roof is an opportunity to reinvent your house, increase the value of your property, and protect your family and belongings for many years to come.
